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Pregnancy Questions

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Top 5 Questions Asked

How to establish a routine for feeding my baby?

Newborns have tiny tummies and so need to feed frequently.  Feeding frequently in the early days and weeks helps make sure you have a good milk supply.

Because breastmilk is easily digested, it is normal for breastfed babies to feed 8–12 times in a 24-hour period. This usually means that your baby will breastfeed on average every 2–3 hours around the clock (day and night), with possibly one longer stretch between feeds somewhere in a 24-hour period. The length of time between feeds can vary greatly from baby to baby. The time between feeds is from the beginning of the last feed, not the end. Newborns also tend to have periods each day where they feed very frequently for a few hours (cluster feeds). So often baby’s cluster feed late afternoon into the evening, this is very normal and healthy. They are preparing your milk supply for the night time. Often these cluster feeding periods are followed by a longer stretch of sleep.

In most cases, healthy, thriving newborns will wake of their own accord for feeds and so get all the milk they need. Feeding your baby when he/she is showing early feeding cues can help him to feed better.

However, there are some reasons why a newborn may be extra sleepy. It may be necessary to wake your baby for feeds to ensure he/she gets the milk they need. Some of the reasons are medical (eg jaundice or perhaps medications/pain relief used during labour/birth) others may be related to their weight or general health. It is important to be guided by your doctor or midwife in these situations. They will communicate openly with you about why your baby’s needs are different, how to meet their needs and when to ask for help.

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When can my baby start tummy time?

Your baby can start small amounts of tummy time soon after birth. When baby is awake, alert and calm place her on her tummy. With supervision start with a few minutes at a time, two- three times a day.

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Why store cord blood stem cells?

Cord blood stem cells are more potent than adult stem cells and haven’t had exposure to environmental pollutants, viruses and chemicals that happen over time. There is greater flexibility in genetic matching where only a partial match between the donor and patient may be required. There is also a reduced risk of graft vs host disease and lower incidence of viral transmissions.

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How can the birth partner help during the birth?

A birthing partner may be your partner, a family member or a friend. Who-ever the trusted person is that you would like with you during labour and birth they can support you emotionally, physically and act as an advocate for you. It is a great idea to discuss prior to labour what your birth plan is and any specific requests that you would like. It is also a good idea that your birthing partner goes with you to antenatal classes and does some research of their own into labour and birth so that they have an understanding of the journey.

Physically, partners can guide you through breathing and relaxation techniques. As well as this they may be able to support you with massage, get the birthing pool filled and heat up heat bags. Encouraging you to stay hydrated and reminding you to go to the bathroom is also really helpful.

Birthing partners can give you reassurance and encouragement and be that familiar voice. Being an advocate is a helpful role in a birth partner as often while a woman is in labour she may find it difficult to process information and make decisions. Writing down your birth preferences, hopes and fears before labour can be a great way of starting this conversation with your partner/support person and caregivers.

Birthing partners should consider their limits- if you feel faint at the sight of blood, let the doctor or midwife know, sit down if you feel unwell. You may be asked if you would like to cut the umbilical cord or catch the baby- be proactive in telling your caregiver if you do or do not want to take part in these things.

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What are Braxton Hicks?

Braxton Hicks are contractions, which tone the uterus but do not dilate (open) the cervix. They occur throughout your pregnancy but you may not feel them until the second trimester and may usually feel more in the third trimester.

Braxton Hicks contractions or tightening are referred to as a tight feeling in your abdomen, which may be quite strong and uncomfortable and are often called ‘false labour;. These contractions can be distinguished from real labour; as they may disappear with a change of position, taking away gravity (side lying) or activity such as a warm bath or shower. They will not last long or develop a regular pattern, but they come and go sporadically. There is a lot of physicality and sensation related to normal growth and change in pregnancy. However, if you are unsure about what you are feeling it is best to discuss this with your care provider.

All uterine activity (tightenings and contractions) originate from the muscles at the top of the uterus (the fundus). Where women ‘feel’ this activity is largely influenced by what the muscles are trying to achieve, i.e contractions are often felt low and Braxton Hicks a general tightening all over (from top to bottom) the uterus.

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Tummy Talks recognises the importance of providing information to new pregnant mums. Antenatal classes are keenly anticipated by new expectant parents wanting to answer many prenatal and post-partum questions.

Tummy Talks was created to provide expectant parents with live and free access to online antenatal classes covering all aspects of pregnancy and birth.

And. Tummy Talks is free. Always.