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Most asked questions

How to establish a routine for feeding my baby?

Newborns have tiny tummies and so need to feed frequently.  Feeding frequently in the early days and weeks helps make sure you have a good milk supply.

Because breastmilk is easily digested, it is normal for breastfed babies to feed 8–12 times in a 24-hour period. This usually means that your baby will breastfeed on average every 2–3 hours around the clock (day and night), with possibly one longer stretch between feeds somewhere in a 24-hour period. The length of time between feeds can vary greatly from baby to baby. The time between feeds is from the beginning of the last feed, not the end. Newborns also tend to have periods each day where they feed very frequently for a few hours (cluster feeds). So often baby’s cluster feed late afternoon into the evening, this is very normal and healthy. They are preparing your milk supply for the night time. Often these cluster feeding periods are followed by a longer stretch of sleep.

In most cases, healthy, thriving newborns will wake of their own accord for feeds and so get all the milk they need. Feeding your baby when he/she is showing early feeding cues can help him to feed better.

However, there are some reasons why a newborn may be extra sleepy. It may be necessary to wake your baby for feeds to ensure he/she gets the milk they need. Some of the reasons are medical (eg jaundice or perhaps medications/pain relief used during labour/birth) others may be related to their weight or general health. It is important to be guided by your doctor or midwife in these situations. They will communicate openly with you about why your baby’s needs are different, how to meet their needs and when to ask for help.

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Should I be eating lactation cookies?

Lactation cookies are eaten as they are thought to increase breast milk supply. Lactation cookies often contain brewers yeast which is considered a galactagogue. 

Galactagogue= food, herb or medication that may help to increase breastmilk supply. 

It's important to note that here is limited scientific evidence to prove their effectiveness. Another consideration is that mothers can for the most part produce enough milk for their babies by regular feeding and emptying of the breast, if you're concerned about not making enough milk, discuss this with your health care provider and they will be able to help. 


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What does colostrum look like?

Colostrum is often yellow in colour which is in part why it is nick named 'liquid gold.' It can also be more of a white colour and tends to be thick in comparison to mature milk.

You will often see it leaking out of the breasts throughout pregnancy.

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What is dream feeding?

Dream feeding is when you feed your baby whilst they are still asleep. It's usually done around 10pm or just before you go to bed, with the thought that by feeding baby at this time they will sleep through the night.

Some parents believe this works whilst others find no difference at all. 

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What shall I wear to make breastfeeding whilst breastfeeding?

When you're breastfeeding wearing tops that zip or button up the middle are really handy as well as loose and stretchy tops. You don't need specific breastfeeding clothes but these are available to buy.

Also, a nursing bra is great as it as a flap or panel that pulls down.

Avoid rompers or jumpsuits, excessive layers and high neck dresses.


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Why does my baby wake so often?

A newborn baby sleeps often but wakes a lot. Baby’s sleep is important for brain and physical development, however they need to wake frequently for feeds as their tummy can only hold small amounts of food at a time.


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