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How to monitor mental health during pregnancy?

It is normal to feel emotional at times in pregnancy and/or have feelings of anticipation in pregnancy as you are coming closer to a new beginning to your life with the arrival of your baby.  It is also quite understandable to have some concerns about the baby, giving birth and how you will adapt to life with the new addition to your family.

It’s a good idea for all expectant parents to monitor their mental health and wellbeing and so if you are feeling sad, have lost interest or enjoyment in things that you once enjoyed or find yourself worrying over things to the point that it is causing you to feel distressed, this could be a sign of antenatal depression or anxiety . If you are concerned in any way, seek advice and help from your doctor or midwife.

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I'm concerned. Should I talk to my midwife?

If you have any of the following talk to your health care provider. 

  • vaginal bleeding
  • less movement of your baby than usual
  • severe stomach pain
  • pain that doesn’t go away
  • leaking amniotic fluid (that is, if your waters break)
  • a high temperature
  • vomiting that will not stop
  • a headache that will not go away
  • vision loss or blurred vision
  • widespread itching of the skin
  • sudden swelling of face, hands and feet.
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Is it normal to have an increase in vaginal discharge during pregnancy?

An increase in vaginal discharge is common during pregnancy. If there are also symptoms of pain, itchiness and odour there may be an infection. It is important to talk to your health care provider.


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Is constipation normal during pregnancy?

Constipation is a common problem during pregnancy as hormones begin to effect gastrointestinal movement and the pressure increases from the uterus onto the bowel and rectum. 

The best way to deal with constipation is by drinking lots of water, increasing fibre intake by eating more bran, wheat and fresh fruit and vegetables. Gently exercise can also help.

Avoid taking over the counter laxatives without talking to your health care professional first. 


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What are the signs of pregnancy?

Each woman will experience unique signs and symptoms of pregnancy. 

The first sign is generally a missed period. Women may also experience nausea and vomiting, breast tenderness, fatigue and passing urine more frequently.

If you think you are pregnant- you can take a home pregnancy test or see your GP, who may offer a urine test, blood test or ultrasound scan.

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Can I sleep on my back during pregnancy?

Research has shown that sleeping on your side is the safest option from 28 weeks of pregnancy. It halves the risk of stillbirth compared to going to sleep on your back. Lying on your back in the last three months of pregnancy presses on major blood vessels, which can reduce blood flow to the womb and oxygen supply to the baby.


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