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Most asked questions

How to monitor mental health during pregnancy?

It is normal to feel emotional at times in pregnancy and/or have feelings of anticipation in pregnancy as you are coming closer to a new beginning to your life with the arrival of your baby.  It is also quite understandable to have some concerns about the baby, giving birth and how you will adapt to life with the new addition to your family.

It’s a good idea for all expectant parents to monitor their mental health and wellbeing and so if you are feeling sad, have lost interest or enjoyment in things that you once enjoyed or find yourself worrying over things to the point that it is causing you to feel distressed, this could be a sign of antenatal depression or anxiety . If you are concerned in any way, seek advice and help from your doctor or midwife.

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What supplements should I take during pregnancy?

Folic acid should be taken during the first trimester of pregnancy. Folic acid is important in the prevention of neural tube defects such as spina bifida. 

Iodine should be taken the whole way through pregnancy and also when you're breastfeeding as it supports brain and nervous system development.

Your body's iron requirements increase during pregnancy however not all women will need supplementation. Your health care professional will check your iron levels throughout your pregnancy, it is important to eat foods rich in iron throughout pregnancy.

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Can I still get vaccinations when I am pregnant?

The influenza and pertussis (whooping cough) vaccinations are recommended during pregnancy. When you are vaccinated the antibodies cross the placenta to your baby, this means that they are also protected while they are too young to be vaccinated.

The influenza vaccination can be given at any stage during pregnancy. The pertussis vaccination is recommended between 20 and 32 weeks in every pregnancy.


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Can I wax during pregnancy?

Yes, you can continue getting waxed during pregnancy.

Your skin may become more sensitive as a result of increased blood flow, therefore it may be more painful and may result in bruising. 

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Is it safe to dye my hair during pregnancy?

Dying your hair during pregnancy is considered safe as hair dye is not readily absorbed through the scalp. Therefore, it is unlikely to cause any harm to your baby.


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Is it safe to have sex during pregnancy?

It is safe to have sex during pregnancy. Sex does not harm you or your baby.

There are times when you may be advised not to have sex whilst you are pregnant- if you are experiencing complications such as bleeding, if you have placenta praevia, ruptured membranes (waters have broken) or if you are at risk of premature labour. 


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